A: Yes. We provide 7 days money-back guarantee, and proportional refund according the day remains in your subscription.
A: We will give you a refund according to the day remains in your original subscription, and start a new subscription based on the new plan.
A: We will notify you by mail at first. Service will remains as usual for 3 days for giving you a buffer to upgrade your account. Page views will be reset after next billing period start.
A: You will not be able to upload and create new data or chart until you upgrade your account. Yet, you won't be charged. You won't be charged without your permission.
A: License will be expired once you stop your subscription. You can still choose to buy dedicated software license with lifetime use and 1 year warranty.
A: 可以。我們提供七日內無條件退費,或者三十日內部份依天數比例退費。
A: 我們會依使用天數的比例退還原本方案的費用,新的方案則會自付費起重新計時。
A: 我們會先發信提醒您流量已超過,但不會立刻停止服務,給您升級帳號的緩衝時間。若您在三天之內沒有進行對應的處置,我們才會暫停您的網路瀏覽,直到下個月計費週期之後再重新開始計算。
A: 一但用量超過上限,您便無法繼續增加資料,直到您升級您的帳號。因此,您並不會因為用量超過而被直接扣款。
A: 源碼授權在停止訂閱後即終止。您亦可以選擇長期授權方案。
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